Common Mistake People Make with Their Glasses ( And How To Avoid Them )


Glasses are an essential part of daily life for many, but even the most experienced wearers can fall into habits that may damage their eyewear. Here are some common mistakes people make with their glasses—and how to avoid them.


1. Cleaning with the Wrong Materials: One of the most common mistakes is using clothing or tissues to clean lenses. These materials can scratch the surface over time. Instead, use a microfiber cloth specifically designed for glasses, and a lens cleaner if needed.

2. Leaving Glasses Face Down: Placing your glasses face down on any surface can lead to scratched lenses. Always store them in a protective case or place them lens-side up.

3. Using Hot Water: While it might seem logical to use warm or hot water to clean your glasses, the heat can damage lens coatings and warp the frames. Stick to lukewarm water and mild soap for cleaning.

4. Neglecting Regular Adjustments: Over time, glasses can lose their fit, leading to discomfort and even headaches. Periodically visit your optician to have them adjusted for a comfortable and secure fit.

5. Wearing Glasses on Your Head: Many people push their glasses up onto their heads when not in use. This can stretch the frames and misalign the lenses. Use a glasses chain or simply take them off and store them properly.

By avoiding these common pitfalls, you can keep your glasses in top condition and ensure they serve you well for years to come.


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